WinRed now offers an SMS integration with DirectSnd. To activate the integration, follow the steps below.
Table of Contents
Set up the Integration
Head to Utilities, select the Integrations tab, and click the green Add Integration button. From there, select the DirectSnd integration from the menu.
A menu will then appear. From here, input a name and a description and then enter the API Key and Base Domain, both supplied by DirectSnd.
If you have a base domain from DirectSnd to enter, you can do so here, for most organizations, it will be app. If you do not have a base domain, select No.
Once completed, select active and save, and the integration will be live!
Edit the Integration
Click the blue Edit Integration button below the DirectSnd Integration to edit or delete it.
If you want to delete the integration, select Delete and then hit Save.
What data is sent to DirectSnd?
WinRed sends the following fields:
First Name
Last Name
WinRed also sends tags.
What do the tags mean?
WinRed = Data came from WinRed
Revv User = Donor has a WinRed account
Anonymous Donor = Donor was not logged in when they made a donation. The donor may or may not have a WinRed account.
Lead = User signed filled out a Petition page
When is data sent to DirectSnd?
Data is sent if your organization is a recipient and the Mobile field is filled in by the user on your donation, petition or mobile opt-in upsell.