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Onboard onto WinRed

How to create a WinRed account

Updated over a month ago

To start collecting donations on WinRed, you must complete the onboarding process. This includes filling out the Committee Details, Owners, and Bank Account tabs in your settings. Below is the information you need to fully onboard your account.

Apply for an Account

The first step in the onboarding process is signing up for an account. You can do this by going to You'll receive an email confirming that you've signed up and that you will hear from the WinRed team shortly regarding the next steps.

Note: This is a required first step in the signup process for any committee to verify all sign-ups properly. PACs, 501c4s, and 501c3s will have to provide additional information to verify with WinRed effectively.

Create a WinRed Account

If your application is approved by the WinRed team, you'll receive an email with a link to create your WinRed account. Once you click this link, you'll be prompted to enter your Organization Name and Organization Type.

There are several different Organization Types:

  • State Level: Any state or local campaign (including Governor, State House or State Senate, City Council, Mayor, County Parties and College Republican groups, among others), 501c3s and 501c4s.

Note: State Level WinRed accounts do not pass through the WinRed Federal PAC and are not conduited. Read more about how donations are processed here.

  • Federal - House: Any congressional committee registered with the FEC as such

  • Federal - Senate: Any federal senate committee registered with the FEC as such

  • Federal - Presidential: Any presidential committee registered with the FEC as such

  • Federal - National Party Committee

  • Federal - State Party Committee: Any state party committee registered with the FEC as such

  • Federal - PAC: Any Super PAC, Federal PAC, Hybrid PAC, JFC, or other registered PAC with the FEC

Note: Super PACs have a $99/monthly fee associated with their WinRed account. Please reach out to our team for any questions on this organization's type

What Information You Need

You'll need to fill out some forms to get your account approved. To get started, click the Settings tab at the top of the navigation bar:

From there, you'll see several different tabs, and this is where you'll fill out the needed information!

Campaign/Business Info

First, you'll need to enter your committee details:

  • Legal Name

  • Website

  • Phone

  • Address (Cannot be a PO Box)

  • Tax ID (Only if you have one)

Account Owner

You'll need to add an account owner. You'll need the following information:

  • Email

  • First and Last Name

  • Occupation Title

  • Phone

  • DOB

  • Full SSN

  • Address

  • Front and back picture of driver's license, passport or another form of government ID

Bank Account

Next, you need to attach your bank account. To do this, simply click Add Bank Account. In this tab, you will also be able to set your payout schedule.

Complete the Onboarding Process

If you see any of the notifications shown below, it means your account is incomplete and missing some information.

Click on the corresponding tab to complete your missing information.

Note: You cannot add a bank account until WinRed has verified your committee details and at least one owner.

Once your information is complete, you will no longer see these notifications. Our team will create your first donation page for you and will reach out once your account is finalized.

FAQ for Onboarding

What if I don't have an FEC ID?

You can use a fake FEC ID, (the letter "C" followed by a series of random numbers, it has to be 9 characters long) to begin onboarding. WinRed will need your official FEC ID within 48 hours.

If you get an error message that the FEC ID is already in use, try a different set of random numbers.

What if I don’t have a bank account yet? Will the account still process donations?

If you are looking to launch your campaign before you will have your bank account, your WinRed account will be able to process donations without a bank account.

What is the timeframe for getting that bank account added?

You will need to add your bank account within 10 days of launching your campaign, per FEC rules.

What if I want to set up an account prior to my campaign announcement?

What if all of my organization documents are not physical addresses?

If the SS4 lists a PO Box then we need a letter from your bank listing a physical address.


As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team by opening a WinRed chat box at the bottom right of your screen!

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