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Pause Your Account

How to pause your account

Updated over a week ago

You may need to pause your account during fundraising blackouts, legislative sessions, special sessions, election periods, or other reasons. Our team is happy to assist here; get started in just four steps.

Archive Your Pages

Head to the Settings tab and go to the Account Deactivation tab. Toggle Yes to Archive Your Pages and select a date for this to take effect. If you'd like, you can also add a text copy to explain the page pause and a custom button that you'll link out to take your donors elsewhere.
Once done, click Archive All Pages.

Pause Your Subscriptions

Merchant accounts on WinRed can pause recurring subscriptions. To pause your subscriptions, please reach out to the WinRed team at

Remove Yourself from the Directory

In the organization Settings, navigate to the Directory tab. Toggle No to remove your committee in WinRed's Directory so they won't be visible when it is paused.

How to Unpause Your Account

Please contact the WinRed team, and we can unpause your account, unarchive your pages, and unpause your subscriptions!

If you have questions or are unsure on any of these steps, please reach out to our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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