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Customize Your Storefront
Customize Your Storefront

How to Customize your Storefront Settings

Updated over 7 months ago

The Storefront is a virtual campaign store used to promote a candidate’s merchandise and is another method of optimizing small-dollar donations.

Storefronts are fully customizable after they have been activated, and this guide will go over how to do so.

Store Set Up

Navigate to the Store Set Up tab to see the menu pictured below. Here, you will fill out the basic details of your Storefront, such as the Title, Source Code, Long Disclaimer, and Box Disclaimer.

WinRed already displays a disclaimer at the bottom of our pages, but if you need to add anything more, you can do so in the Disclaimer fields. Below the disclaimer field, you'll see the option to add a Source Code to the Storefront. Click Save to save your changes.

Creative & Layout

If you head to the next tab, this is where you will choose the colors and design of your storefront.

First, you will need to pick out the colors and add a Store Logo. This image will appear on your Storefront.

Next, you will add a Mobile Hero Image, a Product Hero Image, and a Check Out Image. The Mobile Image will only display on mobile phones, and if not added, no photo will display. The Product Hero Image will link your hero image to a specific product. Lastly, add an image that will appear at checkout under the Checkout Image field.

Edit Products

Next, head to the Products tab. From there, you will see your list of products and be able to designate which products you'd like on your Storefront.

Edit Merchandise Products

Clicking on the Products sub-tab takes you to a list of available products. You can toggle whether to display the product(s) on the storefront. If you don't have any available products, you can visit the self-service catalog to start customizing your products.

Here, you can drag and place products in a particular order, view a sample product image, the name, the storefront price, and product options (if applicable), and toggle whether to display the product(s) on the storefront.

Edit Checkout Page

Next, click the Form Fields sub-tab. You will see several fields that can be enabled to personalize your storefront's checkout page.

The following is a list of fields available under the Form Fields tab:

  • Display Additional Amount Field - Toggle for an additional donation amount to display on the checkout page below. You can also change the text on the checkout page and the amounts that will be displayed.

  • Display Mobile Field - Select whether you would like to collect donor mobile phone numbers

  • Require Mobile Field - toggle yes or no to decide whether the Mobile field is required.

  • SMS Opt-In Checkbox - toggle yes or no to dictate whether to display an SMS opt-in checkbox on your page.

  • Display SMS Opt-In Disclaimer - Select whether to display an SMS opt-in disclaimer on your page.

  • Pre-Check Shipping Address - This will automatically fill the donor's shipping address with the donor's bill address.

  • Shipping Disclaimer - Add any shipping disclaimers

  • Enable Fundraiser ID - Enable Fundraiser ID for your page.

  • Display Fundraiser ID - Display a field for donors to input a unique Fundraiser ID.

Storefront Categories

Clicking into Storefront Categories allows you to create navigational headers and subheaders that map to specific products in your storefront.

Create a Category

To begin, navigate to the Merchandise tab within your account and then click on Storefront Settings.

From here, you would select the Categories tab:

Next, click the green button labeled Create New Category:

Give your new category a name in the field labeled Category Name. This is the name that will be publicly displayed on the storefront and is a required field.

Select whether or not this is a subcategory. Subcategories are smaller categories that appear within larger main categories.

If the answer is yes, then a main category needs to be selected.

Next, you are able to select a unique URL and enter it in the section that says Slug. From here, select which products belong in this category. Every category needs at least one product.

Categories Tab

When you click into the Categories tab in your Storefront Settings, you will be able to see your Categories as well as the Date Created, the Name, Slug, and how many Products are in the Category.

Under the Category column, you'll be able to see the "Parent Category" and the "Child Category".

The Parent Category will display Subcategories under it, while the Child Category will show which parent category it belongs to.

Delete a Category

If you'd like to delete a Category, head to the Categories tab in your Storefront Settings.

From here, open the edit view of a Category or Sub-Category by clicking on the Category row or by clicking the ellipses and View Details.

Next, click Delete and you are done!

Custom Fields

WinRed allows you to add Custom Fields to your storefront. You can decide if you'd like to add an Existing or a New Custom Field. An Existing Custom Field is one that you have already created on the account.

When creating a new Custom Field, you will need to enter the following information:

You will need to give the field a name and designate where you'd like it to be positioned on the donation form (for example, before or after the Donation Buttons). Lastly, select the Field Type.

The Field Types are listed below:

  • Text field - This is a regular text field that allows all characters.

  • Number field - This is a field that only allows numbers to be entered.

  • Text area - This is a field that allows donors to add longer comments.

  • Checkbox - This checkbox allows donors to accept a condition or disclaimer before donating. You can toggle whether checking this checkbox is required in order to process a donation.

  • Paragraph - This is simply some helpful text you can add throughout your form.

  • Hidden - This is an invisible field. Hidden fields are useful if you would like to set a default value for a field that donors can't edit. They can be prefilled via URL, like many other custom field types.

  • Select Dropdown - This field type allows donors to choose from a dropdown list of options.

  • Multiple Choice - This presents allows donors to select multiple options from one list of options.

  • Radio Buttons - Presents donors with a number of options to choose from but does not allow more than one option to be selected.

  • Text Field Toggle - This is a text field that appears after a donor has checked a checkbox.


If you head to the Upsell tab, you can create a new Upsell Pathway or Flow or an existing one to the checkout experience on your storefront.

It is important to note that if Business/PAC Contributions are enabled for the organization and on the storefront, only personal donors will be shown an upsell flow. In addition, if there is a Double Your Donation upsell, the donor will not receive multiple items at checkout.

When creating a new Upsell, you will be given the following options. You can read more about the types of Upsells here.

Click on any of these and customize your upsell with images, callout text, and much more! You can also append Bill-Pay and Money Pledges to your Upsells.

Confirmation Page

Next, head to the Confirmation Page tab. Here, you can edit the settings for your storefront confirmation page:

  • Confirmation Text - Write a thank you message to display to donors after they’ve donated.

  • Display Custom Button - Select whether to display a custom button on the confirmation page to navigate your donors to another page

  • Social Media Profiles - Add social media buttons to the confirmation page

  • Video Embed Code - Enter a Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Twitter embed code to display a video

If you'd like to preview the page, click the Preview button in the top right-hand corner.


Next, head to the Widgets tab. Here, you can add widgets to your checkout pages to boost conversions on Storefront. This is an easy tool for increasing engagement from site visitors.

The widgets available include Exit Intent, ShotClock, Countdown, Countdown to Midnight, and Social Links.


Lastly, head to the Advanced tab. Here you'll be able to manage your Open Graph Settings, CSS Override, and set your Fulfillment House.

Open Graph Settings

Open Graph images populate the preview when the page is shared on social media. You can give it a title, a description, and an image URL.

Twitter Graph Settings

Twitter uses its own settings to populate a preview within Tweets. Add a title, description, and an image to share your page on your Twitter.

The CSS Override field allows you to enter any custom CSS to style your page.


Next, select a Fulfillment House. This allows you to switch between Advoc8 and Ace Specialities.


Manage Orders

Next, click on the Merchandise tab and then the Orders sub-tab. The Orders tab displays a list of all merchandise orders for your storefront. You can see a list of orders, including the following about each order:

  • Order Icon (color by status)

  • Created Date

  • Donor Name

  • Donor Email

  • Order Amount

Order Details View

If you click into a specific order, you'll be able to see a more detailed view. You'll be able to see the Shipping Details, Status, Order Number, Quantity, Order Total Amount, Created Date, Associated donation, and Associated donor.


If you have questions or need clarification on any of these steps, please reach out to our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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