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Create Custom Reports

How to customize your own reports and how to receive them

Updated over a week ago

The Custom Reports tool allows you to create unique reports with fields of your choosing. These can be delivered on a pre-defined schedule or manually pulled. Additionally, you can customize the delivery method of the report, choose specific conditions (filters) of the data needed, and design the format of the download/export.

Custom Reports Tab

To find your Custom Reports, navigate to the Custom Reports tab. From here, you will be able to see all of your reports. You can use the Filter based on the Date Created or the Report Type to define exactly what reports you need to find.

Within the card for each report, you will see the Report Type and Report Name at the top. Below will be the report's details, including who created the report, the date on which the Report was created, the frequency of the Report being run, and the delivery method of the Report. If the report was given a File Name, that will also be displayed.

From here, you can edit and run the report.

Create a Custom Report


Types of Reports

Next, you must choose which type of report you'd like to create. There are several different reports to create, depending on your account type. Below are the different reports that are available to Conduit and Merchant accounts.

Each report below will only include the specific type of information mentioned, and they cannot be combined. If you need multiple types of information, you must set up individual reports.



Conduit Accounts

Merchant Accounts

Disputes Report

Details for each dispute received by your organization



Donations Report

Details of each donation that has been made to your organization



Leads Report

Details of each successful Lead received by your organization



Money Pledges Report

Details of every time a donor has opted in to any Money Pledge on your Dontion Pages or Upsells



Orders Report

Details of each order that has been made for Merchandize on your organization



Refunds Report

Details for each Refund - full and partial - issued by an organization



Subscriptions Report

Details of every time a donor has opted in to any Subscription for your organization



Once the type of report is selected, you'll be taken to the New Report page. When creating a new report, the user must provide a Report Name, and it is recommended that the user add a File Name and Report Notes.

Delivery Method

You can have these reports delivered in three different ways:

If you decide to receive your reports by Email, you can add as many email addresses as you want. To do so, simply separate the emails by comma.

Selecting FTP or Amazon S3 will allow you to define the specific location or bucket the file should be placed in once run or delivered. Only active FTP or S3 integrations can be selected, even though inactive integrations are shown.

Report Frequency

You can select whether the report should be run on an as-needed basis (Manual) or a regular, recurring frequency (Scheduled).

Selecting the Scheduled option will allow you to define the frequency. Your options are:

  • Daily

  • Weekly on Monday

  • Monthly on the 1st

  • Hourly.

Additionally, after selecting the Scheduled option, users can define whether the report is Active or Inactive. Once you’re ready for the report to start running, set it to Active. You can pause it anytime by setting it to Inactive.

Below the Report Frequency section, users can define the timezone for this report. The report will be reported in UTC if you click the checkbox below.

Report Conditions

Next, you will need to set your Report Conditions. These are the filters for what data should be displayed in the report.

  • AND/OR: Before selecting any conditions, you must decide if the report should meet ALL of the conditions (AND) or if the data within the report should meet ANY of the conditions (OR).

  • Add Conditions: Depending on the type of report that is being created, you can then select from a number of Attributes. An Attribute is the Condition/Filter for your report.

  • Predicate: The options in the Predicate dropdown will depend on the Attribute selected, but, for example, they will define whether they are Equal to, Less than, or Greater Than. Below you can see an example of what this might look like:

  • Value: the Value for your condition is the number or date that will define your condition. For the example above, the value is 12/08/22, meaning that the report will pull any donations created on 12/08/22.

Report Format

Next is the Report Format section. From here, you can define what Fields should appear in the report as columns. You can remove or add Fields as you see fit.

For each Field, you can create your own column/data header via the Custom Field text box while the Static Value text box will populate each cell with that specific value if populated in this section of the report builder.


If you have questions or are unsure on any of these steps, please reach out to our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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