From your Settings tab, you are able to add, remove, and manage users. This can be found in the Users tab. Committees may have as many users as they want; in fact, this is highly encouraged to prevent sharing account logins. WinRed users should always use their own login.
Add a User
Here you can see a list of users who currently have access to your account. To add a user click the Add User button. Enter the user's email address & select their role. By clicking invite, they will get an email inviting them to the account.
There are six user types on WinRed; below is a chart of the permissions. An X notes that a user can complete an action in your account.
| Admin | Editor | Read Only | Pages Only | My Pages Only | Merch Only |
Pages |
Create Pages | X | X |
| X | X |
Create Upsells | X | X |
| X | X |
Add Existing Money Pledges | X | X |
| X | X |
Add Bill-Pay | X | X |
Edit All Pages | X | X |
| X |
Set All Pages Live | X | X |
| X |
Access the Campaigns Tab | X | X |
| X |
Access the Upsells Tab | X | X |
| X |
Can only Download Donor Data from Specific Pages |
| X |
Download Donor Data from All Pages | X | X |
People |
Refund Donations | X | X | X |
Cancel Subscriptions | X | X | X |
Access Leads | X | X |
Revenue |
Build Reports | X | X |
Process Donations on Virtual Terminal | X | X |
Create New Money Pledges | X | X |
Accounting |
Access Accounting | X | X |
Download Payout Reports | X | X |
Block Donors | X | X |
Utilities |
Add or Edit an Integration | X | X |
Access the Bulk Updater | X | X |
Create Custom Reports | X | X |
Run an A/B Test | X | X |
Merchandise |
Create Products | X | X |
| X |
Access Orders | X | X |
| X |
Download Orders Reports | X | X |
Edit Storefront Settings | X | X |
| X |
Settings |
Create a New Vendor Connection | X |
Access Account Settings | X |
Notes: A My Pages Only user can only view/edit pages that they created and cannot see other ones on the account.
They also cannot add new Bill-Pays onto their pages or upsells. But can duplicate pages with pre-existing Bill-Pay that was added by another use.
A Pages Only user will be able to view/edit pages created by other users on the account.
Remove a User
Go to Settings and click the Users tab. Find the user in the committee's list of users. Click the gray "x" on the user. Click Confirm in the modal. Click Save.
Vendor Users
Vendor Users can access a client account with the user permission they have been assigned to their vendor account. This means that if a vendor user is added to their vendor account as an admin, they will have admin-level access to the client account once the vendor connection has been approved.
As always, if you have any questions, contact our team by opening a WinRed chat box at the bottom right of your screen or contacting!