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Set Your Maximum Contribution Limit
Set Your Maximum Contribution Limit

Edit the maximum personal contribution amount allowed to your committee

Updated over 10 months ago

If you have a maximum contribution limit that your committee can receive, you can designate an amount on WinRed to prevent a donor from giving above the set amount.

Set A Maximum Contribution Limit on the Account

In the Setting tab, select the Pages sub-tab and scroll down to the Maximum Personal Donation Amount field.

Enter the maximum contribution limit and click Save!

Pages on the account can only accept the maximum donation amount listed here.

Set A Maximum Contribution Limit on a Page

Click on the page where you would like to add this limit and then select the form field tab within the Page Builder.

Toggle the gear icon next to the Donation Amount Buttons.

Under the Donation Amount Button, input the minimum and maximum donation amount on the specific page.

Once the amount has been inputted here, hit save to make the change.

The specific page will only be able to accept the maximum contribution limit listed here.

If you have questions or need clarification on any of these steps, please get in touch with our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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