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Use URL Parameters

Building A URL With Pre-filled Information

Updated over a week ago

WinRed allows you to pre-fill form inputs using URL parameters for your donor's convenience. These parameters allow you to modify, preselect, and prefill a donation or petition page, just by simply adding a value to your WinRed URL. These parameters are available for use on any type of WinRed page.

URL Parameters

URL parameters are attached to your WinRed URL first via a "?" and then with a "&" for each additional parameter.

For example here is a URL with no parameters attached.

Say you want the donation amount "$100" to be selected on the page when the donor clicks your link. All you need to do is add ?amount=100 to the link, and it will preselect that donation button.

This is a simple example of one way to use these parameters on your donation page. We have all of the available parameters for use and the field value of the target listed below. If you have questions on a specific one, please chat with our team using the chat box in the right-hand corner and we're happy to help!

Fields Supported & Corresponding Parameters



Field Value

First Name


Donor's First Name

Last Name


Donor's Last Name



Donor's Email



Donor's Address

Zip Code


Donor's Zip



Donor's Employer



Donor's Occupation

Source Code


Page's source code for tracking. Note: this URL parameter overrides the source code field in the page builder

Recurring Donation Prechecked


Add this parameter to precheck the recurring button on the page

Recurring Donation Not Prechecked


Add this parameter to remove the precheck on the recurring option

Money Pledge Prechecked


Add this parameter to precheck the money pledge option on the page

Money Pledge Option Not Prechecked


Add this parameter to remove the precheck on the money pledge option

Modify Donation Buttons with URL parameters

You can use URL parameters to modify, preselect, and overwrite donation buttons on your page. Each variable and what it does is listed below.

Donation Amount


Select a desired donation amount.

Amount Position


Select a desired donation button position. This will preselect a particular donation button, regardless of the amount changes (either through page edits or through features like Dynamic Amounts). Read more here.

Amount Displayed


You can manipulate the donation amount shown to a donor using this parameter. For example, if you want the first donation button to always have a value of $5, regardless of other settings, you would add ?amt1=5 to the URL string.

The amount position is determined by the order they appear on the page. From left to right, starting at number 1. So if you wanted to target the first donation amount on the page. You would use?amt1=, To target the second button, you would use ?amt2= and so on.


If you have questions or are unsure about any of these steps, please reach out to our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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