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Create an Upsell

How to add upsells to your donation pages

Updated over 3 weeks ago

WinRed's upsell feature allows you to maximize the impact on your donors by adding additional actions donors can take after they make a donation. You can add upsells to any donation page.

If you’re not using the upsell feature on WinRed, money is being left on the table. 35% of donors accept at least one upsell after they've made a donation!

Types of Upsells

You can review all the types of upsells WinRed has available by selecting the button below.

Create an Upsell

To create a new Upsell, navigate to the My Pages tab and select the Upsells subtab.

Click the Create Uspell button found in the right hand corner. A slide out menu will then appear, select the type of upsell you would like to create.

Once you've selected your upsell type, you will see a page to update the settings for your upsell. Add an internal name and a call to action to the Upsells.

Edit the Donation Amounts

Customize the donation amount buttons that will appear on the upsell. Dynamic Amounts will be multiplied, while Static Amounts will appear as inputted.

Choose if the Other amount field should be visible on the upsell.

Add Dynamic Amounts

Dynamic Amounts allow the displayed amounts on a Panel or Donation Upsell to reflect the donor's original donation amount as multiplied. To learn how to set this up, select the button below.

Allow Donors to Cover Processing Fees

Give donors the option to cover the processing fees associated with their upsell donation. This is only available on a donation upsell and not a double donation or a panel card.

To enable this, toggle the Allow Donors to Cover Processing Fees Button to yes.

Once toggled, donors will see the checkbox pictured below on the associated upsell.

Please note this will only work when one committee is added to an upsell.

Display a Recurring Button

Display a Recurring Button on a Donation Upsell to give donors another opportunity to opt into a recurring donation.

To enable this, toggle the Recurring Donation Button to yes. Customize the callout that will appear on the recurring button and then select the button style.

If Radio Buttons are selected, donors can toggle between a monthly or one-time donation. If a Checkbox is selected, donors must click the button to start a recurring donation.

It is not possible to enable Recurring on a Donation Upsell if it applies to certain situations found below.

  • If there are multiple merchants committees added

  • If an upsell is hosted on a merchant account and is slating donations to a conduit account

Recurring Intervals started on a Donation Upsell are unrelated to the initial donation on the page. However, recurring donations on a Recurring Upsell are associated with the initial donation. The graphic below explains this.

Add Committees

Multiple committees can be added to a Donation, and Panels upsell to split donations. To do this, search for the committee's name and add it to your upsell.

If multiple committees are added, toggle Geographical Sort to make the candidates near the donor appear at the top of the page.

Add a Video or an Image

A Video or an Image can be added to appear on the upsell. Either enter embed code from Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Twitter or toggle Enhanced Upsell to yes and upload an image.

Once the choose image button is selected, you will able to upload a new image or search from the existing ones by the file name.

Add a Campaign

Standard and Merchandise Campaigns can added to upsells to either track performance or to offer merchandise. If you would like to track the performance of an upsell, it is recommended to add a standard campaign to it.

Use the dropdown menu to select a campaign to add it to your upsell.

Add Widgets

Widgets can be added to any page or upsell to drive urgency, show impact, and increase donor conversion rates. They are a must for any upsell you make on WinRed!

Select the green save button at the bottom of the page to save your upsell. You can add as many upsells as you want to your Upsell Flow.

If you're editing an upsell flow from the page builder, saving your page will also save your changes to your upsell flow across all pages so that this upsell flow has been added.

Create an Upsell Pathway

An upsell must be added to a pathway or flow before it can be seen on a page.

Upsell Pathways allows for ann organization to dynamically redirect donors from a donation page to an upsell based on donor attributes.

Create an Upsell Flow

An upsell can also be added to an upsell flow. To begin, navigate to the Pages tab, then select the Upsells sub tab.

In the right-hand corner, you are going to see the Create New Upsell Flow button. Click that.

Now, you have two options either Create a New Upsell or Add an Existing Upsell. If you select a new upsell, you'll be prompted to choose from the list below. If you would like to add an existing upsell, just search for its internal name.

Add an Upsell Flow to Your Page

There are two ways an upsell pathway or flow can be added to your donation pages. The first is by building it directly on the page.

The second is to add it to your page after creating it in the upsell tab.

To add a pathway or flow, head to the page you want it on and click on upsells, as shown below.

Then click Add Existing Upsell Pathway or Flow and search for its internal name. If it's newly created, it should be one of the first available.


To view donations that were made on an upsell, navigate the Revenue tab and then the Donations subtab.

Select the filter option found in the top right-hand corner, and a slide-out with all the different filters will appear.

Add a desired date range and filter the donations to your liking.

Under the Advanced section, navigate to the Product Name drop-down and select one of the following options.

Upsell Donation

This product name will pull in all donations made on an Upsell

Double Upsell Donation

This product name will only pull in donations made on a Double Donation Upsell

Recurring Upsell Subscription

This product name will only pull in donations made on a Recurring Upsell

Custom Amount Upsell

This product name will only pull in donations made on a Custom Amount Upsell

Click the apply filters button to view all the donations that fall under the Product Name.

You can download a report of this information by selecting the blue download button in the right-hand corner.

The donor information, donation amount, and standard campaign used will all be visible within the report.

View Upsell Stats

To view the stats associated with a specific Upsell, navigate to the My Pages tab and select the Upsells subtab.

You will be able to view your existing upsells here and the associated information listed below.

  • Date

  • Upsell Name

  • Attached Flows

  • Attached Pathways

  • Views

  • $ Per View

  • Accepted

  • Opt-In Rate

You can view the aggregate statistics of the Upsell Pathway by clicking on it and navigating to the right-hand side of the node.

  • Pages: The total number of Donation Pages the Upsell Pathway is on

  • Upsells: The total number of Upsells in the Upsell Pathways

You can view the overall Upsell Flow stats in the Upsell Flow Stats section on the left side of your screen, shown below.

  • Viewed: the number times the Upsell Flow has been viewed by a donor

  • Accepted: the number times an upsell has been accepted as part of this Upsell Flow

  • Opt-In Rate: accepted divided by viewed.

  • Pages: the number of pages the Upsell Flow has been added to

  • Upsells: the number of upsells in the Upsell Flow.

You can also view the stats for each upsell in your Upsell Flow. If an upsell has been added to multiple Upsell Flows, we'll show that upsell's performance across all of the Upsell Flows it has been added to.

Bulk Update Upsells

Using the Bulk Actions tool, you can add or remove an Upsell Pathway or Flow from all your pages at once.

Duplicate Upsells

Navigate to the Upsell tab to see all the upsells you've created. If you click the three dots at the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see the option to duplicate.

Questions? Feel free to contact our team by clicking on the chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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