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Add Merchandise to an Upsell

Offer merchandise to your donors right after they give

Updated over 7 months ago

Merch can be added to an upsell to drive higher upsell conversion rates from your donors. When a donor gives on a page, a merch upsell asks them to contribute an additional amount to receive a specific item.

This guide will help you get started. Before you can add merchandise to an upsell, you need to create merchandise items for your account.

Set up a Merchandise Campaign

As with pages, you need to set up a merchandise campaign to add merchandise to an upsell. Click the button below to view instructions on creating a merchandise campaign.

Types of Upsells You Can Add Merchandise To

Merchandise can be added to the following upsell types:

  • Donation Upsells

  • Double Donation Upsells

  • Panel Upsells

Add Merchandise to an Upsell

Head to the Pages tab and then click on the Upsell tab.

Here, select the upsell to which you would like to add merchandise. If you need to create a new upsell, click the button below to learn how.

Select an existing upsell to edit it.

Navigate to the Campaign section.

Click the drop-down menu and find the merchandise campaign you made. Once you add it, you will see the products that will appear on the Upsell.

Click Save, and you will be good to go! Remember that a minimum amount is required for merch items, so make sure the amount you are asking from your donor exceeds that.

Finally, ensure the upsell is added to a pathway or a flow!

If you have questions or are unsure about any of these steps, please contact our support team by clicking the red chat box at the bottom right corner of your screen.

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